

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 11AM - 10PM

Showing: 1 - 10 of 12 RESULTS
Facials Healtch

5 Steps To A More Successful Self-Care Plan

Self-care is a necessity in the modern day. Taking good care of yourself will help improve every aspect of your life, including your physical and mental health, relationships, and career.

Healtch SPA

Wellness Travel: Guide to Spa Vacations

What’s a better way to relax on a honeymoon other than booking a pampering day at a luxurious spa? Of course, nothing tops a soothing experience that can refill your …

Healtch Massage

Ways Massage Can Improve Sporting Performance

If you’re like most people, you associate workout routines with more than just fitness. Aches and muscle strain are as intrinsic to your gym membership as smoothies and weights. They …

Healtch SPA

Why Are There So Many Different Types of Massage?

While massage is well-recognized as one of the best ways to relax and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit, it’s not always easy to know exactly which type of massage …

Facials SPA

Natural Facial Care: Aftercare Tips You Need to Know

If you’ve been thinking about getting a natural facial treatment, you probably have more than a few questions about the process. The good news is that the answers to those …

Facials SPA

The Biggest Benefits of Aromatherapy Massages with Essential

Aromatherapy is a unique type of therapy that uses scented essential oils during a massage. The massage will incorporate harder and softer pressure while applying different blends of essential oils. …

Healtch Massage

Ways To Help Muscles Recover After Strenuous Workout Exercises

Physical fitness has been one of the most important parts of our routine. Some people even go beyond those regular exercises and choose those more strenuous workouts. This is their …

Facials SPA

Dry Skin and Natural Facial Care

Is your skin dry? Even in this age of readily-available moisturizing products, dry skin continues to plague millions of Americans each year. Worse, many of those people struggle with facial …