

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 11AM - 10PM

As one of the most popular facial treatments among celebrities, Diamond Facial Treatment is also known as Microdermabrasion and offers many benefits for the face. The benefits of this product are that it can brighten and improve the circulation of blood in dry and dull skin. This product is also one of the most effective ways to prevent the appearance of wrinkles so that your skin will look younger. By using a diamond-tipped tool, filled with aluminum oxide crystals, this treatment is also capable of gently removing dead skin cells and toxins. As a result, this will boost the metabolism of your skin in order to enhance its natural beauty.

NOTE: You should not undergo diamond facial treatments if you have damaged or broken skin, as there is a possibility that it may come with minor side effects.


  • Price: 600
  • Duration: 1h
  • Capacity: 1

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