

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 11AM - 10PM

Those who desire perfect, fresh-looking skin must undergo deep cleanse facial treatments, also known as DCFs. The procedure is ideal when removing all traces of impurities from the skin. The purpose of deep cleansing facial treatments is to remove all dead skin cells, toxins, dirt, and oil build-up from your skin. The result is the prevention of unwanted skin conditions such as acne and premature aging. As well as being very effective, deep cleansing treatments also serve as a great stress reliever. Furthermore, the procedure includes a face massage that will leave you feeling relaxed as well as pampered. These treatments are great for preventing the aging process and should be performed once a month. It also enhances your skin’s hydration and appearance, while improving blood circulation with the massage. This procedure also enhances the skin’s ability to absorb vitamin serums and moisturizers that we apply to your skin, which means that they are absorbed faster and better into your skin after the procedure has been completed.

Deep cleanse facial treatments, or DCFs, ensure perfect, fresh-looking skin. All impurities on the skin can be removed with this procedure. In deep cleansing facial treatments, dead skin cells, toxins, dirt, and oil build-up are removed. Acne and premature aging are prevented as a result. Deep cleaning treatments are very effective and also very stress relieving. Monthly treatments prevent aging and are great for preventing wrinkles.


  • Price: 600
  • Duration: 1h
  • Capacity: 1

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